Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
0xb1 0423e151ffeab17095d0a7b88e940d26f0455217b013f062b1d1c18f1b e779
Interacted With:
0 Pulse
Transaction Fee:
0.03433056 Pulse
Effective Gas Price:
33.795871 Beat
Execution Stats:
Used 1015821 out of 1027859 Gas (99%)
Gas Fees:
Base Block Fee: 33.695871 Beat | Max Overall Fee: 47.42820038 Beat | Max Priority Fee: 0.1 Beat
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559)
Nonce: 61
Block Position: 347
Call Data:
ProposalCreated(uint256 id, address proposer, address[] targets, uint256[] values, string[] signatures, bytes[] calldatas, uint256 startBlock, uint256 endBlock, string description)
0 0x7d84a6263ae0d98d3329bd7b46bb4e8d6f98cd35a7adb45c274c8b7fd5ebd5e0
Data (Decoded):
calldatas bytes[]
description string
# WarpedWorld: Nouns Get Warped ⌐◨-◨ [![]( ]( **TL;DR⌐◨-◨: UnitedTribes & @jdagogo bring WarpedWorld to Nouns, the web3 reimagining of the biggest and longest-running music, sports, and cultural touring festival, Warped Tour. WarpedWorld is a collaboration of the original Warped partners/founders and Creative Artists Agency (CAA).** **Together, NounsDAO and WarpedWorld will create a newly empowered world and community where entire industries like music and entertainment are reimagined through the use of NFT technology.** **This proposal launches a partnership growth strategy during which @jdagogo will focus exclusively on executing initiatives within the Nouns ecosystem.** # **A Radical Re-Invention ⌐◨-◨** The initial focus of this proposal is WarpedWorld, the web3 reimagining of the Warped Tour festival and community. The festival was founded over 25 years ago by J.D. and his collaborators. Additionally, this proposal aims to refine the playbook for onboarding established communities into the Nouns ecosystem and web3, empowered through a Nounish development hub, and including the introduction of **WarpedDAO.** Introducing Nouns to millions of people and empowering communities to join Nouns will achieve a high ROI on this initiative. Throughout this prop, UnitedTribes led by [@jdagogo]( [(J.D. Heilprin)]( will use the same approach he's used as an entrepreneur and Entrepreneur/Evangelist in Residence to generate a variety of projects, outlined below. The main focus is onboarding new communities and creating collabrative partnership opportunities for NounsDAO via WarpedWorld. WarpedWorld will kick-off with a series of IRL activations involving and proliferating the NounsDAO community. The initial term will lay the foundation for a long-term Nounish collaboration. **In the first 6 months, J.D. will bring his WarpedWorld project and partners to the Nouns ecosystem, and a series of proposals will be introduced to the NounsDAO.** # **Proposal Video ⌐◨-◨** WATCH FULL PROPOSAL VIDEO [HERE]( # **Proposal Objectives ⌐◨-◨** The primary objective is to create distinctly Nounish projects and proposals by leveraging J.D.'s network and experience activating new communities. Success will be achieved by expanding the reach of Nouns to new communities and working with the Nouns community of builders, resources, and tools to implement these proposals. The success of this initiative will be measured by qualitative and quantitative metrics. To this end, J.D. and UnitedTribes will launch a blog for updates throughout the entire proposal period. J.D. will also host a live Twitter space once per month for live Q&A’s and progress updates for all things *Nouns Get Warped!* # **Proposer Background ⌐◨-◨** J.D. is a multi-venture entrepreneur and builder who began his career at Creative Artists Agency (CAA). He co-founded Warped Tour early in his career, building the online and IRL community at ![]( J.D. has founded multiple startups, all aimed at introducing tech innovation to consumers. His ventures include Rioport, the first commercially available mp3 player and platform and the first to license every major record label. He also founded ModernFeed, an online video guide that CBS acquired as Clicker, and AGOGO, an Apple “Best New” app and podcasting platform. J.D. has served as Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) for leading media and tech organizations, including MTV, hp, and most recently, Warner Bros. Entertainment. Additionally, J.D. has served on the Board of KCRW, a renowned NPR station in Los Angeles known for its influential music programming. J.D. has also advised Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Virgin Records, Universal Records, cultural institutions, fashion designers, retailers, and others on digital transformation. # **United Tribes ⌐◨-◨** ![]( Throughout this proposal and beyond, J.D. will launch innovative initiatives extending awareness of the Nouns meme and ecosystem. J.D. and UnitedTribes will introduce Nouns to new communities and facilitate new communities joining Nouns, activating vibrant Noun sub-DAOs. J.D. will introduce Nouns and facilitate proposals across his network of media organizations, artists, and creators. UnitedTribes aims to become a fully equipped development studio and hub that creates breakthrough Nounish applications, ecosystem extensions, and synergies, starting with several core projects. Wherever possible, UnitedTribes will use existing Noun community resources, builders, and tools. # **WarpedWorld + Nouns ⌐◨-◨** The Warped community includes millions of fans and thousands of participating artists, athletes, gamers, and cultural and philanthropic organizations. Warped has a long history of successful brand partnerships. J.D. & UnitedTribes will bring the WarpedWorld project to the Nouns ecosystem. As one of the most ambitious web3 projects for an established brand, WarpedWorld promises to break new ground. Plans include **WarpedDAO** as an engine for ecosystem growth. ![]( [![](]( *Warped Causes and Philanthropy: A Big part of Warped & A Big Part of "Nouns Get Warped"* [![](]( *Education has always been core to Warped Tour and will play a critical role in WarpedWorld Phase 1, teaching web3 and onboarding to the NounsDAO & WarpedWorld ecosystem.* --- # Nouns Industry Evangelist & Ambassador ⌐◨-◨ **J.D. & UnitedTribes’ other web3 Projects + Nouns** J.D. will introduce his other existing projects to the Nouns ecosystem as proposals, utilizing the Noun infrastructure to proliferate the Nouns meme and community while activating new audiences. Example projects include collaborating with an acclaimed dance cinematographer and a top dance company to support pro and amateur dancers worldwide, as well as a concept celebrating music scholarship with top-tier artists. Both projects focus on generating Nounish benefits while fostering community. **Digging Deep into J.D.’s Network & EIR experience** As both an entrepreneur and EIR, J.D. will draw on his experience to bring additional projects and communities to the Nouns ecosystem. For example, inspired by the recent “Wizard’s Hat” short film and Wizard Nouns, J.D. has already introduced the concept of a potential Nouns collaboration with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Warner Bros., and the Potter fan community. At Warner Bros., J.D. worked extensively with Wizarding World. ![]( Additional opportunities will involve working with existing IP holders, creative, tech, and performative talent, and the institutions across J.D.’s network. J.D. will serve as a Nouns educator, evangelist, and facilitator in both his network and the traditional media, entertainment, and marketing industries. He will introduce talent, venture capitalists, builders, developers, creatives, and prospective strategic partners to the Nouns ecosystem and opportunities for Nounish endeavors. J.D. will collaborate with NounsOTG and other initiatives to make introductions and leverage resources. Over the last two months, J.D. has tested the waters to a tremendous response. **Lending a Strategic Hand Across the Nouniverse** J.D. will partner with established Nouns projects to generate synergies among UnitedTribes initiatives and assist Noun projects needing access to talent and organizations throughout his network. --- ![]( This Proposal requests $129,000 USDC be sent over three transactions to a 7 person multi-sig for the initial 6-month development period, representing the fee for @jdagogo's work and development expenses. # Funding Breakdown ⌐◨-◨ The funding breakdown for the 6-month development period is as follows: * **$99,000 USDC ($16,500 USDC per month x 6 mo)** for @jdagogo's fee to work exclusively as Nouns developer/creator/builder collaboration generating new projects and outreach activities, and to establish UnitedTribes as a project hub. * **$30,000 USDC ($5,000 USDC per month x 6 mo)** for expenses related to community outreach and attending events; for engaging Noun community members to provide services related to prototypes, design, proposals, and projects associated with and @jdagogo generating new Nouns proposals and proliferation; for purchasing Noggles and other Nouns swag as appropriate, etc. # Proposal Phases ⌐◨-◨ **CCO NounsDAO brand and technology assets will be utilized acrosss all phases. Opportunities to proliferate the meme will be endless and spectacular.** WarpedWorld phases are as follows: **Phase 1:** * **IRL Events.** The first Warped proposal will involve producing a series of events to educate the Warped community about web3, WarpedWorld plans, and Nouns. The strategy is to seed the community onboarding process by providing exclusive limited edition NFTs, POAPs, and other incentives while introducing the community to relevant Nouns-related activities and organizations. **Phase 2:** * **WarpedDAO** The core economic engine of WarpedWorld and intended to fund community projects and proposals to benefit and jumpstart the WarpedWorld ecosystem. * **WarpedWorld Membership Program** - token-gated fan-based participation platform with IRL and Virtual benefits - the objective is onboarding the massive Warped fan community, introducing web3 loyalty and community ownership. * **WarpedWorld Creator Toolkit** - A best-of-breed web3 composable toolkit that enables and onboards the thousands of creators and their teams in the Warped community. * **Activations - Virtual and IRL Across WarpedWorld** - an ever-expanding community of events and activities that serves as a model for fully developed web3 communities. # **Action Items ⌐◨-◨** **First 60-Day Period:** * **Nouns Get Warped Grassroots Awareness Campaign:** J.D. will collaborate across the Nouns community to propose a series of IRL events designed to both introduce and proliferate Nouns to the Warped community and educate the Warped community about Nouns, Web3, and WarpedWorld. * Events will involve Nouns, Warped artists and/or athletes, Warped Partners and CAA, Vans (potentially at Vans retail), Warped and Nounish Causes, and web3 educational resources. * J.D. will seek the participation of any and all Nouns-related entities, including Gnars &; ComicsDAO, Nouns OTG, Nouns Esports, and other Nouns groups as appropriate. * Warped Phase-1 will serve as a run-up and planning for Warped Phase-2, working with the Nouns community to spec and plan for the anticipated WarpedDAO (or “WarpedNouns” name tbd), a creator DAO built in conjunction with the Nouns community that utilizes the Noun’ tech stack. (See below add’l detail on WarpedWorld phases). **Second 60-Day Period:** * Begin planning for WarpedWorld Phase-2 * Introduce Dancing Nouns and/or Musical Nouns, or such other Nounish projects that follow the model established by Gnars and, proliferating Nouns and extending Nounish good to new communities. * Explore and present other projects including potential Creative Commons collaboration. * Introduction of Nouns to new creator communities, brands, and opportunities. **Third 60-Day Period:** * WarpedWorld Phase-1 IRL activations begin; * Introduce additional project proposals for Dancing Nouns and/or Musical Nouns. * Continued outreach, including exploring Wizarding World Fan Community / Warner Bros and additional creator network onboarding and projects. * Continued outreach to creator communities, brands, and opportunities. # Multi-Sig + Transactions ⌐◨-◨ Upon successfully passing the prop, all funds will be sent to an 8 person multi-sig that will require 4 signatures for each send. The following 8 people are on this multi-sig: 1. [J.D.]( 2. [April]( 3. [ProfWerder]( 4. [Joshua Fisher]( 5. [Chris Carella]( 6. [Al409]( 7. [SuperTightWoody]( 8. [0xiGami]( * **Transaction 1 ($43,000 USDC) immediately upon passing of Proposal:** $33,000 USDC to multi-sig representing first two-months Proposer fee + $10,000 USDC for development expenses for the first 60 days of the residency/initiative. * **Transaction 2 ($43,000 USDC) 60 days from Proposal passage:** $33,000 USDC to multi-sig representing the Proposer fee + $10,000 USDC for development expenses for the second 60 days of the residency/initiative. * **Transaction 3 ($43,000 USDC) 120 days from Proposal passage:** $33,000 USDC to to multi-sig representing the Proposer fee + $10,000 USDC for development expenses for the third 60 days of the residency/initiative.
endBlock uint256
id uint256
proposer address
signatures string[]
startBlock uint256
targets address[]
values uint256[]
Data (Hex):
ProposalCreatedWithRequirements(uint256 id, address proposer, address[] targets, uint256[] values, string[] signatures, bytes[] calldatas, uint256 startBlock, uint256 endBlock, uint256 proposalThreshold, uint256 quorumVotes, string description)
0 0x6af0134faa0f9290c1d686d55012aca80302d31d5c856e4bc7954f7613dc7f87
Data (Decoded):
calldatas bytes[]
description string
# WarpedWorld: Nouns Get Warped ⌐◨-◨ [![]( ]( **TL;DR⌐◨-◨: UnitedTribes & @jdagogo bring WarpedWorld to Nouns, the web3 reimagining of the biggest and longest-running music, sports, and cultural touring festival, Warped Tour. WarpedWorld is a collaboration of the original Warped partners/founders and Creative Artists Agency (CAA).** **Together, NounsDAO and WarpedWorld will create a newly empowered world and community where entire industries like music and entertainment are reimagined through the use of NFT technology.** **This proposal launches a partnership growth strategy during which @jdagogo will focus exclusively on executing initiatives within the Nouns ecosystem.** # **A Radical Re-Invention ⌐◨-◨** The initial focus of this proposal is WarpedWorld, the web3 reimagining of the Warped Tour festival and community. The festival was founded over 25 years ago by J.D. and his collaborators. Additionally, this proposal aims to refine the playbook for onboarding established communities into the Nouns ecosystem and web3, empowered through a Nounish development hub, and including the introduction of **WarpedDAO.** Introducing Nouns to millions of people and empowering communities to join Nouns will achieve a high ROI on this initiative. Throughout this prop, UnitedTribes led by [@jdagogo]( [(J.D. Heilprin)]( will use the same approach he's used as an entrepreneur and Entrepreneur/Evangelist in Residence to generate a variety of projects, outlined below. The main focus is onboarding new communities and creating collabrative partnership opportunities for NounsDAO via WarpedWorld. WarpedWorld will kick-off with a series of IRL activations involving and proliferating the NounsDAO community. The initial term will lay the foundation for a long-term Nounish collaboration. **In the first 6 months, J.D. will bring his WarpedWorld project and partners to the Nouns ecosystem, and a series of proposals will be introduced to the NounsDAO.** # **Proposal Video ⌐◨-◨** WATCH FULL PROPOSAL VIDEO [HERE]( # **Proposal Objectives ⌐◨-◨** The primary objective is to create distinctly Nounish projects and proposals by leveraging J.D.'s network and experience activating new communities. Success will be achieved by expanding the reach of Nouns to new communities and working with the Nouns community of builders, resources, and tools to implement these proposals. The success of this initiative will be measured by qualitative and quantitative metrics. To this end, J.D. and UnitedTribes will launch a blog for updates throughout the entire proposal period. J.D. will also host a live Twitter space once per month for live Q&A’s and progress updates for all things *Nouns Get Warped!* # **Proposer Background ⌐◨-◨** J.D. is a multi-venture entrepreneur and builder who began his career at Creative Artists Agency (CAA). He co-founded Warped Tour early in his career, building the online and IRL community at ![]( J.D. has founded multiple startups, all aimed at introducing tech innovation to consumers. His ventures include Rioport, the first commercially available mp3 player and platform and the first to license every major record label. He also founded ModernFeed, an online video guide that CBS acquired as Clicker, and AGOGO, an Apple “Best New” app and podcasting platform. J.D. has served as Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) for leading media and tech organizations, including MTV, hp, and most recently, Warner Bros. Entertainment. Additionally, J.D. has served on the Board of KCRW, a renowned NPR station in Los Angeles known for its influential music programming. J.D. has also advised Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Virgin Records, Universal Records, cultural institutions, fashion designers, retailers, and others on digital transformation. # **United Tribes ⌐◨-◨** ![]( Throughout this proposal and beyond, J.D. will launch innovative initiatives extending awareness of the Nouns meme and ecosystem. J.D. and UnitedTribes will introduce Nouns to new communities and facilitate new communities joining Nouns, activating vibrant Noun sub-DAOs. J.D. will introduce Nouns and facilitate proposals across his network of media organizations, artists, and creators. UnitedTribes aims to become a fully equipped development studio and hub that creates breakthrough Nounish applications, ecosystem extensions, and synergies, starting with several core projects. Wherever possible, UnitedTribes will use existing Noun community resources, builders, and tools. # **WarpedWorld + Nouns ⌐◨-◨** The Warped community includes millions of fans and thousands of participating artists, athletes, gamers, and cultural and philanthropic organizations. Warped has a long history of successful brand partnerships. J.D. & UnitedTribes will bring the WarpedWorld project to the Nouns ecosystem. As one of the most ambitious web3 projects for an established brand, WarpedWorld promises to break new ground. Plans include **WarpedDAO** as an engine for ecosystem growth. ![]( [![](]( *Warped Causes and Philanthropy: A Big part of Warped & A Big Part of "Nouns Get Warped"* [![](]( *Education has always been core to Warped Tour and will play a critical role in WarpedWorld Phase 1, teaching web3 and onboarding to the NounsDAO & WarpedWorld ecosystem.* --- # Nouns Industry Evangelist & Ambassador ⌐◨-◨ **J.D. & UnitedTribes’ other web3 Projects + Nouns** J.D. will introduce his other existing projects to the Nouns ecosystem as proposals, utilizing the Noun infrastructure to proliferate the Nouns meme and community while activating new audiences. Example projects include collaborating with an acclaimed dance cinematographer and a top dance company to support pro and amateur dancers worldwide, as well as a concept celebrating music scholarship with top-tier artists. Both projects focus on generating Nounish benefits while fostering community. **Digging Deep into J.D.’s Network & EIR experience** As both an entrepreneur and EIR, J.D. will draw on his experience to bring additional projects and communities to the Nouns ecosystem. For example, inspired by the recent “Wizard’s Hat” short film and Wizard Nouns, J.D. has already introduced the concept of a potential Nouns collaboration with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Warner Bros., and the Potter fan community. At Warner Bros., J.D. worked extensively with Wizarding World. ![]( Additional opportunities will involve working with existing IP holders, creative, tech, and performative talent, and the institutions across J.D.’s network. J.D. will serve as a Nouns educator, evangelist, and facilitator in both his network and the traditional media, entertainment, and marketing industries. He will introduce talent, venture capitalists, builders, developers, creatives, and prospective strategic partners to the Nouns ecosystem and opportunities for Nounish endeavors. J.D. will collaborate with NounsOTG and other initiatives to make introductions and leverage resources. Over the last two months, J.D. has tested the waters to a tremendous response. **Lending a Strategic Hand Across the Nouniverse** J.D. will partner with established Nouns projects to generate synergies among UnitedTribes initiatives and assist Noun projects needing access to talent and organizations throughout his network. --- ![]( This Proposal requests $129,000 USDC be sent over three transactions to a 7 person multi-sig for the initial 6-month development period, representing the fee for @jdagogo's work and development expenses. # Funding Breakdown ⌐◨-◨ The funding breakdown for the 6-month development period is as follows: * **$99,000 USDC ($16,500 USDC per month x 6 mo)** for @jdagogo's fee to work exclusively as Nouns developer/creator/builder collaboration generating new projects and outreach activities, and to establish UnitedTribes as a project hub. * **$30,000 USDC ($5,000 USDC per month x 6 mo)** for expenses related to community outreach and attending events; for engaging Noun community members to provide services related to prototypes, design, proposals, and projects associated with and @jdagogo generating new Nouns proposals and proliferation; for purchasing Noggles and other Nouns swag as appropriate, etc. # Proposal Phases ⌐◨-◨ **CCO NounsDAO brand and technology assets will be utilized acrosss all phases. Opportunities to proliferate the meme will be endless and spectacular.** WarpedWorld phases are as follows: **Phase 1:** * **IRL Events.** The first Warped proposal will involve producing a series of events to educate the Warped community about web3, WarpedWorld plans, and Nouns. The strategy is to seed the community onboarding process by providing exclusive limited edition NFTs, POAPs, and other incentives while introducing the community to relevant Nouns-related activities and organizations. **Phase 2:** * **WarpedDAO** The core economic engine of WarpedWorld and intended to fund community projects and proposals to benefit and jumpstart the WarpedWorld ecosystem. * **WarpedWorld Membership Program** - token-gated fan-based participation platform with IRL and Virtual benefits - the objective is onboarding the massive Warped fan community, introducing web3 loyalty and community ownership. * **WarpedWorld Creator Toolkit** - A best-of-breed web3 composable toolkit that enables and onboards the thousands of creators and their teams in the Warped community. * **Activations - Virtual and IRL Across WarpedWorld** - an ever-expanding community of events and activities that serves as a model for fully developed web3 communities. # **Action Items ⌐◨-◨** **First 60-Day Period:** * **Nouns Get Warped Grassroots Awareness Campaign:** J.D. will collaborate across the Nouns community to propose a series of IRL events designed to both introduce and proliferate Nouns to the Warped community and educate the Warped community about Nouns, Web3, and WarpedWorld. * Events will involve Nouns, Warped artists and/or athletes, Warped Partners and CAA, Vans (potentially at Vans retail), Warped and Nounish Causes, and web3 educational resources. * J.D. will seek the participation of any and all Nouns-related entities, including Gnars &; ComicsDAO, Nouns OTG, Nouns Esports, and other Nouns groups as appropriate. * Warped Phase-1 will serve as a run-up and planning for Warped Phase-2, working with the Nouns community to spec and plan for the anticipated WarpedDAO (or “WarpedNouns” name tbd), a creator DAO built in conjunction with the Nouns community that utilizes the Noun’ tech stack. (See below add’l detail on WarpedWorld phases). **Second 60-Day Period:** * Begin planning for WarpedWorld Phase-2 * Introduce Dancing Nouns and/or Musical Nouns, or such other Nounish projects that follow the model established by Gnars and, proliferating Nouns and extending Nounish good to new communities. * Explore and present other projects including potential Creative Commons collaboration. * Introduction of Nouns to new creator communities, brands, and opportunities. **Third 60-Day Period:** * WarpedWorld Phase-1 IRL activations begin; * Introduce additional project proposals for Dancing Nouns and/or Musical Nouns. * Continued outreach, including exploring Wizarding World Fan Community / Warner Bros and additional creator network onboarding and projects. * Continued outreach to creator communities, brands, and opportunities. # Multi-Sig + Transactions ⌐◨-◨ Upon successfully passing the prop, all funds will be sent to an 8 person multi-sig that will require 4 signatures for each send. The following 8 people are on this multi-sig: 1. [J.D.]( 2. [April]( 3. [ProfWerder]( 4. [Joshua Fisher]( 5. [Chris Carella]( 6. [Al409]( 7. [SuperTightWoody]( 8. [0xiGami]( * **Transaction 1 ($43,000 USDC) immediately upon passing of Proposal:** $33,000 USDC to multi-sig representing first two-months Proposer fee + $10,000 USDC for development expenses for the first 60 days of the residency/initiative. * **Transaction 2 ($43,000 USDC) 60 days from Proposal passage:** $33,000 USDC to multi-sig representing the Proposer fee + $10,000 USDC for development expenses for the second 60 days of the residency/initiative. * **Transaction 3 ($43,000 USDC) 120 days from Proposal passage:** $33,000 USDC to to multi-sig representing the Proposer fee + $10,000 USDC for development expenses for the third 60 days of the residency/initiative.
endBlock uint256
id uint256
proposalThreshold uint256
proposer address
quorumVotes uint256
signatures string[]
startBlock uint256
targets address[]
values uint256[]
Data (Hex):