Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
0xe5 b4661a664f2946d899c1f6946fd9984b0c47aab0bfb1eb6f88ba1c4983 fb01
Interacted With:
0 Pulse
Transaction Fee:
0.01500613 Pulse
Effective Gas Price:
133.824359 Beat
Execution Stats:
Used 112133 out of 136392 Gas (82%)
Gas Fees:
Base Block Fee: 133.724359 Beat | Max Overall Fee: 189.86283767 Beat | Max Priority Fee: 0.1 Beat
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559)
Nonce: 738
Block Position: 143
Call Data:
VoteCast(address indexed voter, uint256 proposalId, uint8 support, uint256 votes, string reason)
0 0xb8e138887d0aa13bab447e82de9d5c1777041ecd21ca36ba824ff1e6c07ddda4
1 0x000000000000000000000000c7a0d765c3af6e2710ba05a56c5e2ca190c2e11e
Data (Decoded):
proposalId uint256
reason string
Nouns should be at the forefront of funding public goods, and ethOS is an excellent choice for investment. That alone makes me vote in favor of this proposal. But beyond that, I firmly believe that Nouns should be *a leader in the broader web3 ecosystem*. How will we possibly proliferate the meme of Nouns is no one in our own world cares? Funding this allows Nouns to make a significant impact in the overall space. My one hesitation: I strongly believe that Nouns should have a much stronger branding presence than is suggested in the proposal. Any Nounish components should not be optional, but instead default. However, looking at Apenoun's votewithreason, it looks like the team is open to sweetening the pot if this proposal passes.
support uint8
voter address
votes uint256
Data (Hex):
From To Value
0x6f3e62…79223d 0xc7a0d7…c2e11e 0.01331352 Ether